
143: [HATE]hey [USER=9]@supple gentile[/USER] watsup bruda[/HATE]

7: Hi man I'm trying to do some computer shit and I hate it It fills me with [HATE][B]hate[/B][/HATE]

7: I'm finished and found this file on my old computer [ATTACH=full]9272[/ATTACH]

143: [HATE]release the hate rays!! unleash the beast!![/HATE]

143: [HATE]i bet hate rays would win a deathmatch against regular sharks but they would get ripped to shreds if there are any HATE SHARKS[/HATE]

143: [HATE]i made a scene last night where a dude was shooting the ak47 at a huge spider and there were sparks flying of the ak and huge muzzle flashes but then my shit crashed twice in a row and i lost it all!! pissed off but about to drink a cold monster for breakfast hell yeah unleash the beast[/HATE]

7: [HATE]I'm pretty sure it meant like an xray clearly the hate shark blasts hate rays out its mouth [/HATE][HATE][IMG][/IMG][/HATE]

143: [HATE]rated death breath[/HATE]

143: [HATE]one of the jaws movies had a really cool sharkplosion[/HATE]

143: [MEDIA=youtube]arsAllZIa1Y:161[/MEDIA]

143: [HATE]im watching the movie gi joe 2 rn its good there was a black ninja fighting a white ninja the white ninja was throwing ninja stars at the black one but the black one just shot the stars out of the air with an mp7!! hardcore[/HATE]

143: [HATE]going to watch the rest of this movie brb c u fuck never[/HATE]

7: [QUOTE="ௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌ, post: 363326, member: 377"][HATE]im watching the movie gi joe 2 rn its good there was a black ninja fighting a white ninja the white ninja was throwing ninja stars at the black one but the black one just shot the stars out of the air with an mp7!! hardcore[/HATE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=36px][FONT=UnrealT][HATE][I]NINJA CODE VIOLATOR ![/I][/HATE][/FONT][/SIZE]

143: [HATE]hack the ninja code!!! delete the matrix!![/HATE]

143: [QUOTE="supple gentile, post: 363358, member: 9"][QUOTE="ௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌ, post: 363326, member: 377"][HATE]im watching the movie gi joe 2 rn its good there was a black ninja fighting a white ninja the white ninja was throwing ninja stars at the black one but the black one just shot the stars out of the air with an mp7!! hardcore[/HATE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=36px][FONT=UnrealT][HATE][I]NINJA CODE VIOLATOR ![/I][/HATE][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [HATE]i should change the quotes to be some fucked coal black too[/HATE]

7: me practicing w/ ninja stars: [FONT=TotalDeath][marquee][/marquee][/FONT][marquee] [FONT=TotalDeath][HATE]5       5       5[/HATE][/FONT] [FONT=TotalDeath][/FONT][/marquee][FONT=TotalDeath][/FONT]

143: [HATE]hang on i will make a hate shrimp rating to rate that shit[/HATE]

143: [HATE]also i forgot to change the quote colours c u fuck never brb[/HATE]

143: [HATE]yo fuck check this out[/HATE] [MEDIA=youtube]AZlgBRokTCg[/MEDIA]