
143: [HATE][SIZE=36px]20% aluminium 25% asbestos 5% anthrax 50% water 100% MONSTER ENRTHY DRINK UNLEASH THE BEAST[/SIZE][/HATE] [img][/img]

143: [HATE]oh shit oh fuck[/HATE] [HATE][img][/img][/HATE]

7: [MEDIA=youtube]A5l7A9NhM4A[/MEDIA]

204: [ATTACH=full]16028[/ATTACH]

7: [img][/img]

143: [QUOTE="obliterator, post: 503800, member: 632"][ATTACH=full]16028[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]

88: i'd like to breathe in a chemtrail and die

143: [HATE]getting superpowers but with chemtrails instead of radiation[/HATE]

143: [HATE]saw the movie interceptor where the good guy chemtrails fight the bad russian nukes its nice to see chemtrails be the good guys 4 once[/HATE] [MEDIA=youtube]JUOgtrg0QHI[/MEDIA]

7: [HATE]if i was a chemtrail id probably side with the nukes and turn the whole world into mutants with extraneous and bleeding appendages[/HATE] [IMG][/IMG]

427: [QUOTE="fuck, post: 530080, member: 9"][HATE]if i was a chemtrail id probably side with the nukes and turn the whole world into mutants with extraneous and bleeding appendages[/HATE] [IMG][/IMG][/QUOTE] I am very into potions and potions you can huff.

7: [HATE]they dont call them "solve its" for nothing :snake:[/HATE]