
143: [HATE]hes a golden knight of evil but hes also a blue flying space monkey goldar motherfucker[/HATE] [IMG][/IMG]

143: [MEDIA=youtube]R8rdse_-kBM[/MEDIA]

143: [MEDIA=youtube]Yx8JbKjM-Fo[/MEDIA]

143: [HATE]goldar pondering the fuck out of the nightmare orb[/HATE] [MEDIA=youtube]Zxm3u2FhtYc[/MEDIA]

7: [HATE]he can also shoot lightning or throw a really big net [img][/img][/HATE]

143: [HATE]!add that your caught in goldars net[/HATE]

183: added [B]that your caught in goldars net[/B] For: [USER=377]@death[/USER]

7: [HATE]hate tried using bing ai to amke goldars but it keeps wanting to make the shit version thats plain gold and not even a baboon [/HATE] [IMG][/IMG]